It’s a question you need to ask yourself. Your employees are the heartbeat of your business and without them you’d be nothing. You rely on them to do their jobs to the best of their ability. You need them to do their jobs to the best of their ability. But with 59% of workers saying they’re stressed in the workplace, are you doing enough to take care of their wellbeing?
What’s this all about?
Arguably not. It’s all too easy for your staff to hide their struggle behind a smile and hard work. But hard work doesn’t mean they’re happy or productive in their role. Far from it. On average, we will all spend around 90,000 of our lives at work. So needless to say, it’s vital that you ensure the workplace is a positive place for your employees to spend their time.
It also makes sense to tie any wellbeing strategies in with your workplace. And if you don’t have any, that needs to change. We’re in 2020 now and workplace wellbeing is more important than ever. The cost of an unhealthy workforce is expected to cost the taxpayer £60 billion a year. You may associate health with illness and fitness, but it’s much more than that. There’s no getting around the fact that poor wellbeing more than contributes to that £60 billion bill.
How do I solve the problem?
It may seem a minefield, but chances are you’re overthinking the situation. You don’t need to be calling in any health and wellbeing professionals here. Ensuring your staff are working in a comfortable environment is all that’s needed.
Break out areas would be a simple addition. And we mean proper break out areas, because allowing your staff to check their messages or social media at their desks doesn’t quite cover it. We spend up to 9 hours of our working day at our desks. That’s 9 hours of being surrounded by the very things that are causing our stress. Emails. Paperwork. That sort of thing.
They need to escape. Allowing your employees to take time out not only recharges the mind and body, but it also builds stronger working relationships with colleagues. It’s amazing what you can find out about each other when you’re chatting about personal, rather than working, lives. This is another benefit of keeping staff together, rather than forcing them off site and running the risk of them going over their allotted break time.
It also helps to provide your staff with things they’d like. Again, this doesn’t need to anything too lavish or costly. In a recent survey 71% of office workers said that having high quality tea and coffee available improves their working day. And whilst stylish and technologically advanced with fresh coffee beans and fresh milk, vending and coffee machines can still be cost-effective.
And then there’s water dispensers. Over a third of office workers say not drinking enough water damages productivity, so that speaks for itself. Everyone knows hydration is important for our health, but now it’s clear to see its importance on wellbeing and productivity, too.
Meanwhile, other avenues to explore are offering flexible working and redesigning your office so that it’s light, airy and open plan. You can read more about this here, but there are so many things you can do to ensure of a happy and healthy workforce!
Meanwhile, other avenues to explore are offering flexible working and redesigning your office so that it’s light, airy and open plan. You can read more about them here, but there are so many things you can do to ensure of a happy and healthy workforce!
How important is workplace wellbeing to you?
There’s a reason why we’re signing this article off with the heading that started it. Because now you have the information, it’s time to decide what you’re going to do with it. Coinadrink can’t force you to make the changes your staff desire but believe us when we say we can help.
So, how important is workplace wellbeing to you?
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